Home for Stoics is one of the eight boys' Houses, four girls' Houses or a girls' Sixth Form House, either in the Mansion House itself or in more recently built buildings adjacent or close by.
In September 2019, we opened Cheshire for girls and Winton for boys, our first two Day Houses. Croft, a second boys' Day House opened in September 2023.
Each House has around sixty pupils and becomes the Stoic's 'family'. Houses share common values, whilst also reflecting the characters of the Houseparents. These staff are supported in their role as mentors both by their families and close-knit staff teams. The Matrons, as well as looking after the domestic issues, care for the health and well-being of their charges, supported by the Medical Centre staff and School Doctor.
There is always someone a Stoic can turn to for advice or encouragement.