Go to this web page to find out: http://arborbridge.com/quiz-which-test-should-you-take-the-sat-or-act/
We offer pupils a range of support with their preparation for the SAT and ACT admissions tests.
Our SAT/ACT weekly Maths activity is accessible to 5th and 6th form. Speak to your careers advisor about signing up for classes.
Each year, Stowe welcomes a new Harvard Graduate to work with pupils. Their primary role is to support US college applications and to offer insight into applying to college and to give insight into what it is like to study in the US. In addition to your tutor and the careers team, the Harvard Scholar can meet with you throughout your application process and advise you on your application and essay writing.
If you don’t hit the range a university is looking for, it is unlikely the rest of your application will be considered. American students applying to university will have been familiar with these tests for several years before they take them.
However, students that study in the UK are capable of performing excellently and achieving the highest possible scores.
You should sit several full, timed practice tests including the writing portions, and plan a revision programme focussing on areas you need to improve.
There are many free resources to help you get a feel for the test format and revise appropriately:
Testing Data and Information