Until you submit your application form, you don't exist to a university or college. Submitting your application form is the first and only step that you can take to really show a college that you want to attend their school. You move from being an interested student to an official applicant.
This information might not seem important to you, but reading this information brings an admission counsellor into your world. Your application is the first impression that you give to an admission officer.
When it comes to applications, you will see two types.
The first type is a single application that is accepted by many schools. The common application, for instance, is accepted by over 500 colleges and universities.
The universal college application is accepted by 43 different schools.
The second big type of application is an individual application specifically for a single school or, a school system.
MIT, for example, has its own application that is used by MIT for MIT, and only for MIT.
The University of California system has a single application for all nine of their campuses. But the UC application can only be used for UC schools.
All applications are different; however, they all will ask you for similar information. Use the tips and notes below when completing your applications, but understand that this will not answer all of your questions.
If you do not know how to answer a question, request an appointment with our international application advisor.
The application form is the foundation for your entire application. It is important to submit a thorough, correct, and complete application to create a strong foundation.
1. Use Proper Grammar
2. Your Name
3. Permanent / Home Address
4. Current / Mailing / Notification / Local Address
5. E-mail Address
6. School Information
7. Academic Information
8. Test Information
9. Recommender Information
10. Click Submit
11. Track your Status Online