
High aspirations are fundamental to our approach to learning at Winchester House School. From the early stages of learning in Pre-Prep to the top of the school in Year 8, we are focussed on developing lifelong learners who thrive on challenge, adventure and a dynamic range of educational opportunities and experiences.

Creative teaching, delivered by passionate teachers, ensures that the learning experience is active and engaging for all ages and abilities. There are ample opportunities for pupils to pursue their strengths and interests in addition to developing their curiosity, confidence and perseverance when meeting new challenges.

Our Creative Curriculum inspires learners. From Nursery to Year 4 a cross-curricular approach creates meaningful connections in learning. Pupils have opportunities to investigate, collaborate, communicate, reflect and evaluate. Above all, they are mentally and physically busy, fully involved and fully engaged in their learning. This stimulating start in their learning journey develops learners who are inquisitive and independent. It develops learners who have the stamina, resourcefulness and resilience to engage with the deep and memorable learning and skills required for Common Entrance and Scholarship exam preparation and for the current and future world.

Our Learners are confident communicators. They are creative, resourceful and inquisitive. They show empathy towards others and, in line with our school motto ‘non nobis solum’ (not for ourselves alone), understand their actions and skills can help others. Winchester House learners collaborate, share ideas and opinions and work together as a team. Our learners work hard and are proud of their achievements.

Irresistible learning takes place inside the Pre-Prep and Upper School classrooms, the school grounds, our Secret Garden, local woods and forests, the Art and Design block, the ICT suite, the Science laboratories, the Classics room, the Music block, the Sports Hall, the Games fields, the Library, theatres, the Forum for Drama, the playgrounds, in prep, in tutor group time, at meal times, in chapel and in assemblies. In fact, irresistible learning happens all around us at Winchester House, all day and every day.