In addition to children being nurtured within Tutor Groups, every child from Nursery to Year 8 is also placed in a House. Bryant, Gascoigne, Leachman and Priestland Houses are headed up by staff House Leaders and pupil Heads of House whose job it is to encourage their Houses to win lots of House Points for good behaviour and work and to cheer them on at the calendar House events throughout the year that includes sports matches, the House Shout (singing competition) and other events. The House system provides children with a community of children of a variety of different ages and promotes healthy competition throughout the School.
All children at Winchester House School work within mainstream classes with access to a wide ranging curriculum.
Quality First Teaching is our priority and classwork in all subject areas is differentiated for all levels of ability. If required, children are supported either in small groups or individually by subject teachers, the special educational needs co-ordinator or specialist support teachers and assistants. Extra support takes place either in class, in catch up or booster groups or individual one-to-one programmes. We aim to run as many support groups as possible early in a morning and/or during prep or activities to avoid pupils missing lessons.
Children are screened either before or on entry to the school and all pupils from Year 1 upwards are screened annually using standardised tests. Children can be further assessed if any concern is expressed by teachers or parents and Learning Support staff are always available to discuss any concerns and progress.
Pupil abilities and progress are discussed and monitored on a regular basis and those who are considered to be gifted, talented or more able are given ample opportunities to extend their skills and be provided with sufficient challenge through the provision of opportunities offering enrichment (breadth), extension (depth) and acceleration (pace). A wide range of both internal and external opportunities are made available in order that all pupils are both stimulated and stretched.
In Pre-Prep, children can join the Mini Winnies Plus after school club which runs from 4.45pm (following clubs) to 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
Mini Winnies Plus includes tea followed by quiet time and activities including art, gardening club, dance, football, rugby, cricket, sewing, ICT, netball, drama and science.
Upper School
A broad programme of extra-curricular activities is available to children from Year 3 upwards. Most of the activities are free, however some are available for an additional charge.
The activities on offer change termly but recently included have been Art, Baseball, Board Games, Cantoris (the school choir), Dance, Drama, Debating, Football, Golf, Metal Detecting, Orchestra, Playground Games, Pottery, Skiing and Swimming.
After School Club - Wednesdays
We are pleased to offer an After School Club on Wednesday at no extra charge for children in Years 3-8 wishing to stay until 6.30pm. This will take place 4.30pm - 6.30pm. Booking is required in advance and it is subject to availability.