The Medical Centre

The health and care of your child while at Stowe is very important to us all. We ask the parents of all new pupils to Stowe to fill out a detailed Medical History Form (on the Parent Portal), which enables our medical team to be aware of any health issues for the new arrivals as soon as they join us.

We also ask all parents to complete an Emergency Contact Form (on the Parent Portal) - where you nominate an alternative member of the family or guardian who can be contacted in an emergency if we are not able to contact you directly and immediately. Of course, we sincerely hope not to use this but far better to be prepared. Should you need to update your child's emergency contact information at any time, then please use the form provided here and send it through to the Medical Centre.

The School's Health Centre is permanently staffed during term time by a team of qualified nurses.

The best time to ring is after 9.00am on +44 (0)1280 818210, but the Nurses are always pleased to discuss any worries or concerns at any time. Each Boarding House has a nominated nurse who is a link with Matron and a contact point for any pupil with a long term medical condition.

The Doctors can be contacted at other times at Springfield Surgery in Brackley +44 (0)1280 703431. If you wish to contact the medical staff by email please use as it is a general address and will be forwarded to the relevant GP.

Excellent consultants, both NHS and private, are available in Oxford, Aylesbury and Milton Keynes and the services of private physiotherapy, podiatry and clinical psychology are also available at the Medical Centre. Parents are always contacted before routine referrals are made.

Boarding pupils will be registered with the School Doctor as NHS patients based at Springfield Surgery. Day pupils can be seen as emergencies at the Medical Centre as a Temporary Resident.

During holidays and Exeats pupils can be seen as a Temporary Resident with their home GP if necessary. If your child requires medical assistance or sees a specialist during a holiday period, please ensure that the information is sent directly to the School Medical Team ( as soon as possible.

House Matrons also provide medical care following guidelines issued by the School's Medical Centre. Full details of the medical care provided at Stowe and guidance for medication, pre-existing conditions, emergency procedures, immunisation etc, are given in the Handbook for Parents published each year and sent to all new parents.