Timothy Hare

Position: Teacher of Economics, Assistant Houseparent Grenville
Department: Economics, Grenville House

Contact Information:
Telephone: 01280 818426
Email: thare@stowe.co.uk

Life before Stowe

I was teaching in the Netherlands because my family is Dutch and that is where my children have grown up. Although once upon a time I was a Housemaster at Marlborough.

What do you enjoy most about your subject?

It is always in the news. There is always a dynamic element to the teaching, as it’s constantly changing. And you can prepare for lessons by a quick skim of the papers…

What do you enjoy most about Stowe?

The quirkiness exemplified by that marvellous spoof video of the Italian job. Stowe could take itself terribly seriously, but joyously it doesn’t.

What is your favourite Lesson?

The unexpected off the cuff digression into a random topic that the pupils are interested in.

What do others say about you?

Stop digressing!

Other hats

Golf & Grenville.


St Andrews, my bilingual dog, sport, red wine and my family- not necessarily in that order.

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