
Old Stoic Logo

2 March 2020

Our New Logo

Corinthian...our magazine and now the logo for all things Old Stoic. 

When I offered the services of my agency to review and bring the OS logo up to date, to coincide with the review of The Corinthian and Old Stoic merchandise, the obvious solution was to consider that evocation of our triumphal arch, which is based on the Arch of Titus.

The Corinthian Arch is probably the first thing Stoics see when arriving for their first term and the last thing they see when leaving in a blaze of glory at the end of their last term. Furthermore, it’s sat there on the horizon every day during a Stoics time at the School.

Yes, it is a brazen statement of a distant imperialist power but it does serve as a gateway and framing device for Stowe and as a triumphal arch, I thought it was exactly how we should articulate the brand.

I am very proud that the logo will now help define us as the OS Society moves forward, ever stronger, towards the centennial and beyond, complementing everything we are doing to make the Society even more relevant to all Old Stoics.

Jonathon Hall (Bruce 79)
