Mrs Tracy Jones
Position: Nugent Houseparent, Teacher of French
Department: Modern Languages,
Nugent House
Qualifications: BA Loughborough
Contact Information:
Telephone: French 01280 818162, House 01280 818199, Mobile 07887 560215
Life before Stowe
My appointment at Stowe was my first teaching job, before Stowe I was a student at Loughborough University, with my third year spent in Grenoble, France and then I completed my PGCE at Reading University.
What do you enjoy most about your subject?
That knowing a language opens so many avenues for communicating and knowledge. Whatever your interests and career are, being bilingual is always an asset and so useful.
What do you enjoy most about Stowe?
My colleagues in the Languages Department and watching the Stoics flourish and achieve so much during their time here.
What is your favourite Lesson?
Usually my Upper Sixth, because they really want to learn and are linguistically curious, so the teaching and learning evolves greatly in this year.
What do others say about you?
Apparently scary but that’s not true of course, so probably strict and organised.
Other hats
During my time at Stowe I have run girls' hockey, and boys' tennis and coached the 1st XI girls teams and junior boys. When I first came to Stowe I was Under Houseparent of Lyttelton.
Other than spending time with my young son and family, sport is my main interest, particularly hockey as I played a lot when I was younger and currently play club hockey for Buckingham 1st XI.
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