Step 4 - Plan your university application calendar

Step One - The first information to add to your calendar would be deadlines.

Deadlines are going to control your whole application process. UCAS is easy, as all of your five applications are due to be submitted on the same day.

US college applications, and many other international universities, are more complex. So do your research. A January deadline gives you a lot more time to create your best application than a November 30th deadline.

Step Two - When you do you want to submit your application? 

This is a date you need to stick to.

Step Three - Do you need to take any entry tests?

e.g. IELT's, BMAT, UCAT, SAT's, ACT's... 

  • What are the test dates?
  • When will you start to revise?
  • When will you sit the tests?
  • Are you allowed to resist a test if you don't achieve the result you want? If so, allow for resist preparation and retest dates.
    • When will you take your first test?
    • when will you take your last test?
    • What other deadlines might these test dates clash with? e.g. mock exams, other entry requirements of your chosen universities. 
  • How many essays do I need to write?
    • When will I start this process?
  • Who is writing my references?
    • When do I need to check in with them to ensure they are on track?
  • Ensure you plan to have a life outside of this process.

UCAS Timeline

US application timeline